Sacred Geometry Calculations. Something Stranger
Do you Understand how the Numerology (in the form of Digital Compression eg: 108 = 1+0+8 = 9) is a Sacred Science and an important Key to grokking the "Fixed Design”, a tribute to our Ancestor's' Law Of One. Understand how this infinitely repeating 24 Pattern explains why we still divide our Day into 24 Hours!
Could it be that the Urn of the Soul, the DNA, the human mould itself, is transformed into a supra-being dominated by spiritual awareness / cosmic consciousness, rather than by bio-logic's mentalizing limits, a transformation caused by impouring light, illumination made possible as Earth's pole geometrically reorients in its Great Year into the divine / undivided side of the precessional cycle?
Just as the hydrogen atom re-aligns its spin axis in a magnetic field (the fundamental principle of medical diagnostic imaging (MRI technology), it could also be that the DNA's structure, composed of hydrogen bonds—a phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry—which nests in Earth's geomagnetic field—reorients right along with Earth as Earth re-orients its spin axis in the sacred geometry in which Earth spins—a reorientation of human consciousness in Earth's ~25,000-year evolutionary precessional "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."
Now (~2000 AD), at the occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross, Earth's pole begins to lean back toward the plane of galactic light, thus crossing a primary threshold in Earth's precessional cycle. Earth begins to retune / return to galactic awareness and the impouring light begins to avalanche—and all of life on Earth begins its transmutation and illumination—from the inside-out.Lunar Crosses
It is a true Galactic Base 12 Time Code hinting clues to the Physics of Time Bending or Time Travel.
I love Vedic Numerology and Math
I began my interest because of a very dear long time friend Monica, who told me more than 15 years ago that I was a Master Builder #22
ever since then, I have wondered what impact number interpretation has on our lives, the golden number, phi, gometry in nature, cymatics, pyrimids, electromagneticism and Egyptology, all of these paired with mantra japa meditation, and yantra use.
The other day i began thinking, because of the prime date and time sequence on Sunday at 2:15am on 2/15/2015, I think this is a very strange coincidence, considering the whole 666 is really a sacred number. i am trying to understand what this could mean, this day has two separate occurences which have numerology of the same crystalline forms which take shape when we see cymatics experiments and look at water molecules, and fractals in the geosphere.
I began wondering if there is some mantra to speak which corresponds with the numbers, what would be a mantra ? not the 64 letter mantra, not the 16 letter mantra, but an exact numerlogical match, i remembered what the 24 syllable mantra is and it is The Gayatri Mantra.
ALSO, one other strange thing. (Each density cycle is 26,556 years a "Great Year"
2 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 24 ; and 2 + 4 = 6 this is the same calculations for the date on Feb 15. )
13 was a number central to certain traditions of sacred geometry, because it reflected a pattern which could be seen to exist in man, nature, and the heavens. For instance, there are 13 major joints in your body. There are 13 lunar cycles in a solar year, and the moon travels 13 degrees across the sky every day. Six circles placed around a seventh central circle is a model of geometric efficiency and perfection in the second dimension that has been known to mathematicians for ages. But this same configuration in three dimensions consists of 12 spheres arranged around one central sphere, making 13 in all - the most compact three-dimensional arrangement recurrent in nature. A commentator writing about the Aztec calendar once said that, "Thirteen is a basic structural unit in nature. It means the attracting center around which elements focus and collect." Is this, then, the reason for Christ’s 12 disciples, King Arthur’s 12 knights, or the 12 major constellations in relation to our sun? The likelihood seems great indeed.
So now that we know the truth about this number 13, how can we use to benefit, and protect ourselves heading into the last days on Mother Earth? You make your own 13 POWER SIGIL. You'll need a piece of construction paper, pencil/crayon, 4 pennies(before 1982 are true copper) and some glue. Draw a pyramid. Surround your pyramid with thirteen 13's. Cap your pyramid with the 4 copper pennies. Place your picture in the pyramid. Hang the sigil above your head where you sleep. Here is a link to my 13 Power Sigil to give you an idea of the end result. I have never felt more empowered and protected by Mother-Universe!
My 13 Power Sigil -
This is a spiritual shield. 13 is the most powerful number point blank. Thats why the bad guys used it against you. Now is the time to protect yourself visit the links below to learn more from the original messenger. He also can explain in ways you will relate and understand.
My Guru taught me this type of sudoku puzzle and geometrical puzzles and I began studying as many of them as possible, I believe they help me understand the way my chakras and DNA balances, the way the sun energizes my pineal gland, and how words become things.
we love perfect triangles......
you do the #math..
Do you Understand how the Numerology (in the form of Digital Compression eg: 108 = 1+0+8 = 9) is a Sacred Science and an important Key to grokking the "Fixed Design”, a tribute to our Ancestor's' Law Of One. Understand how this infinitely repeating 24 Pattern explains why we still divide our Day into 24 Hours!
Could it be that the Urn of the Soul, the DNA, the human mould itself, is transformed into a supra-being dominated by spiritual awareness / cosmic consciousness, rather than by bio-logic's mentalizing limits, a transformation caused by impouring light, illumination made possible as Earth's pole geometrically reorients in its Great Year into the divine / undivided side of the precessional cycle?
Just as the hydrogen atom re-aligns its spin axis in a magnetic field (the fundamental principle of medical diagnostic imaging (MRI technology), it could also be that the DNA's structure, composed of hydrogen bonds—a phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry—which nests in Earth's geomagnetic field—reorients right along with Earth as Earth re-orients its spin axis in the sacred geometry in which Earth spins—a reorientation of human consciousness in Earth's ~25,000-year evolutionary precessional "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."
Now (~2000 AD), at the occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross, Earth's pole begins to lean back toward the plane of galactic light, thus crossing a primary threshold in Earth's precessional cycle. Earth begins to retune / return to galactic awareness and the impouring light begins to avalanche—and all of life on Earth begins its transmutation and illumination—from the inside-out.Lunar Crosses
It is a true Galactic Base 12 Time Code hinting clues to the Physics of Time Bending or Time Travel.
Nested within a geometry of rotating astrophysical spheres of Cosmic Intelligence, Earth's precessional cycle governs the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul"—a natural cycle that directs the spiritual unfoldment of Earth's entire soul collective. This occurs in the underlying fabric of matter, energy, and consciousness, catalyzing an unprecedented change in souls' incarnate experience.
Approximately twelve thousand years ago, at the previous erect cross, (and at the time of the Biblical Flood) the pole of the Earth in local space began to tilt away from the Galactic Plane—away from our source of illuminating light. At that time we began a 12,000-year period of temporal darkness—apparently separate from the unified galactic awareness. For the duration of this time, humanity experienced a tormenting shear within the masculine and feminine principle—without the embracing awareness of the illuminating plane of galactic light that naturally underlies these two entwining facets of our perceptual world.
Now, with all souls having experienced both sides of duality's paradox, a reunification in consciousness begins where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles re-establish their natural harmony. This can only occur now as Earth's pole geometrically reorients (tilts) back toward the illuminating light of our majestic whirling galaxy due to the Earth's precessional cycle—as human consciousness reorients back into the Unified Field of Divine Love.source
I love Vedic Numerology and Math
I began my interest because of a very dear long time friend Monica, who told me more than 15 years ago that I was a Master Builder #22
ever since then, I have wondered what impact number interpretation has on our lives, the golden number, phi, gometry in nature, cymatics, pyrimids, electromagneticism and Egyptology, all of these paired with mantra japa meditation, and yantra use.
The other day i began thinking, because of the prime date and time sequence on Sunday at 2:15am on 2/15/2015, I think this is a very strange coincidence, considering the whole 666 is really a sacred number. i am trying to understand what this could mean, this day has two separate occurences which have numerology of the same crystalline forms which take shape when we see cymatics experiments and look at water molecules, and fractals in the geosphere.
I began wondering if there is some mantra to speak which corresponds with the numbers, what would be a mantra ? not the 64 letter mantra, not the 16 letter mantra, but an exact numerlogical match, i remembered what the 24 syllable mantra is and it is The Gayatri Mantra.
ALSO, one other strange thing. (Each density cycle is 26,556 years a "Great Year"
2 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 24 ; and 2 + 4 = 6 this is the same calculations for the date on Feb 15. )
Bert Janssen in his wonderful book, The Hypnotic Power of Crop Circles, had this to say about the circles: "Their geometry tells a lot about the amount of thinking that went into the design of the formation. And if it's not the work of human beings, it tells us a lot about whoever or whatever is doing the thinking. Anyone who knows anything about geometry will know that all of this goes way beyond chance. There is no way this could be a coincidence."
"Why do these patterns have such a hypnotic effect on me? And not only on me. Many others are affected by them. But what makes these crop circle shapes so powerful? During reconstruction of the different crop circles you will see that...over and over again, nearly every time you think you come across a coincidence, you can be sure that it is not. You will, for example, find perfect ratios."
"The crop circle shapes work deep inside us in such a way that it enables us to do and feel things that we were unable to access before."
Janssen also says, "The crop patterns have played a major role in the change which I have seen take place in so many people who became involved with crop circles. Other friends who did not become involved with these mysterious shapes, did not change."
"The power of the shapes is not because they were laying in crop. No, the power resides in the shapes themselves." Sacred Geometry The Codes of the Cosmos
Avebury Trusloe - "This crop circle is the code sequence for the intergalactic frequency and phase shift adjustments. The result is a rejuvenation and recalibration to the original blueprint of the essential life force within the third dimension
on Earth. The spheres in this crop circle represent the merging of the alpha and omega (mother/father) energies in the cre
ation of the new paradigm. The recalibration to the original blueprint is complete. The galactic counterpoint process has been activated."
Woodborough Hill - "Within the divine potential of All That Is dwells all that has been and that ever will be. This is the portal all all divine possibilities, the meeting place of cosmic creation. Allow your eyes to merge with this crop circle design and this will encode your brain's neurocortex to adjust from the rapidly deteriorating old world to the newly resonant third dimensional hologram."
So now that we know the truth about this number 13, how can we use to benefit, and protect ourselves heading into the last days on Mother Earth? You make your own 13 POWER SIGIL. You'll need a piece of construction paper, pencil/crayon, 4 pennies(before 1982 are true copper) and some glue. Draw a pyramid. Surround your pyramid with thirteen 13's. Cap your pyramid with the 4 copper pennies. Place your picture in the pyramid. Hang the sigil above your head where you sleep. Here is a link to my 13 Power Sigil to give you an idea of the end result. I have never felt more empowered and protected by Mother-Universe!
My 13 Power Sigil -
This is a spiritual shield. 13 is the most powerful number point blank. Thats why the bad guys used it against you. Now is the time to protect yourself visit the links below to learn more from the original messenger. He also can explain in ways you will relate and understand.
My Guru taught me this type of sudoku puzzle and geometrical puzzles and I began studying as many of them as possible, I believe they help me understand the way my chakras and DNA balances, the way the sun energizes my pineal gland, and how words become things.
Here is my text that i posted in Mensa Facebook group. Shortly after midnight last night, they blocked me. I am not sure why. A lot of people liked the calculation, proofed it, and sent me friend requests. I think they do not understand.Did anyone else notice the #unique #Prime #date and #time coming up on Sunday ????
2:15am 2/15/2015 and also at 20:15
when you add 2+1+5 = 8
when you add 2+1+5 = 8
8 x 3 = 24
2=4 = 6
6 6 6
2=4 = 6
6 6 6
i study this in #SacredGeometry and #VedicNumerology.
Sri 108, the focus of every Indian mathematician's eye.
How remarkable, though simple, that the compression or digital reduction of the Fibonacci Sequence reveals a distinct 24 Repeating Patternwhose sum adds up to 108, not only one code, but 2.
The pattern was always there, but we could not see it for thousands of years, as we were not precious training in conscious self or to be engaged in the visual feminine right brain mathematics.....
Sri 108, the focus of every Indian mathematician's eye.
How remarkable, though simple, that the compression or digital reduction of the Fibonacci Sequence reveals a distinct 24 Repeating Patternwhose sum adds up to 108, not only one code, but 2.
The pattern was always there, but we could not see it for thousands of years, as we were not precious training in conscious self or to be engaged in the visual feminine right brain mathematics.....
Inspired by our similar interests in Divine Math, my best friend Bianca and I also began painting and airbrushing sacred geometry on our line of Hemp Handbags and Totes,
you can see them here :
we love perfect triangles......
you do the #math..
please contact me at :
here is a link to my facebook Group where i have also tried to find someone who also understands this thinking. JunglyGeometry/
Radhika Jungly
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